Wow! We are now starting Volume 13. Hooray!
Here the volume starts off with the Chairman up to his old shenanigans. Now don't you just wish he had permanent memory loss?
1100 height format release: Via Megaupload Via Mediafire
1500 height format release: Via Megaupload Via Mediafire
Or download the releases from NULL's servers: NULL Gokusen Project Page
Sorry if we haven't been active in the comments section. Know that we are reading it and are very appreciative of the remarks. Hopefully we'll have breathing room to do the fun stuff again. :D
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@ everyone at BiPuro
I understand.
thanks for the file!! it's all good about the lack of commenting. it just means the files are being worked on. :)
Yay, thanks!
That's quite a cover, Fujiyama :O
Thank you for the release. That chairman is such a stinker. He never learns.
Thanks so much for all the great releases so far..
I'm hooked on the series.. ^^
Yaaaaay! Otsukaresama desssuuuuu~~~!
Your "Missed any releases?" bar is horribly outdated.
ahhhhh! that was a cliffhanger! mebbe i'll wait till all of chapter 13 is finished before i go and read. XD
@DJ Mixerr
Thanks a lot for your understanding!!! Much luck with you RL too. :)
Yes that IS quite a cover. Imagine us lugging around our hardcopy. We had to discreetly cover it.
Oh yes! That COTB is real stinker. Hahaha! But it's funny how his plans get foiled.
@ The Anonymous comment
Thanks for pointing that out! I've updated that section. I keep forgetting to do that everytime I make a post. Will have to be more diligent about it.
And to the rest! Thanks as always! These recent releases are mostly due to Null's hardwork, so proper credit should go to them.
Enjoy the rest of the releases. There should be a couple more in the works.
I realy love that looser of a chairman. He's evil ! ^_^
THX once again !
Thanks for the releases!
Thank you for the upload! :D
Quite a cover!! 0_0 o_o O_O O-O o-o 0-0
Thank You!!!
Thank you!
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