As the title says, here are the remaining chapters of Volume 15. :)
Again, much thanks to chiresakura for helping us with editing these chapters. :) You definitely rock!
Also, thank you so much to all of you for waiting patiently for these chapters. :)
I won't say much anymore because I know you guys have been dying to read these chapters since forever. So, without further ado...
Volume 15 Chapters 11-14
Or go download the chapters from NULL: NULL Gokusen Project Page
Enjoy! :D
P.S. 2009 Specials are up next but that probably won't be a quick turnaround like this one. We'll keep you updated on the status of that.
thank you :) so fast too!! can't wait for the specials!!!
THANK YOU!!!!!!!
Thank you so much for seeing this project to the end.
Thank you ^_^
I'm so glad I decided to check this before going to bed!
Of course, it's going to be hell trying to make myself study tomorrow now.
Thank you! I can wait for the specials - I've waited this long for the end of the official series, afterall.
Thank you very much for picking up this wonderful manga and seeing it to the end. Without your effort, I don't know when I could read the complete Gokusen, so thank you!
Thanks so much for the hard work ^^. I've been following you since 2007, and I'm really glad that you managed to translate Gokusen despite many problems.
Finally! Thank you everyone!!
It sure has been a long haul, but you guys've managed it brilliantly and I am SO GRATEFUL.
*doki doki* so one volume and we will know...
Thanks for the release
Thanks for having finally brung all these chapters, and also those froim a few days back.
Even the longest wait can be forgiven if the reward is high enough.
Thank you so much for all your hard work, ^^
my life is now complete
thank you so much! luv u guys! :)
thank you very much for completing gokusen after so long! great job everyone! looking forward to the rest of the specials! <3
YAAAAYYYYY You guys rock! I'm so glad you guys didn't drop it :)
THANK YOU!! I love you guys so much. But it still makes me SOOO sad because I love Gokusen and it's coming to an end!! I mean technically it is THE END! (Still the specials left though!) I WILL MISS EVERYONE SO MUCH! Boohoo
Haha, I love Yankumi's delayed 7 over-the-top reaction. Thanks for all your work! ^o^
Thank a lot gals
Wow ! That was fast !
You guys updated (the first time) the day I traveled! That was the medium news (good because you updated, bad because I would have to wait until I got back a week later). The great news was that when I came back to read the update, the rest of the chapters were already scanlated!!!! You made a girl very happy today! ^^
THAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANK YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUU for scanlating the rest of the series and for not giving up!!!!
Thank you! ^^
You all rock! thank too much >w<
chiresakura you rock++ Thank you for these releases *3*
Thank you! This is really the perfect ending to the series- it hits just the right note. Fujiyama is such a good friend. :D
Such a wonderful surprise early in the morning after I just woke up.
Thank you BiPuro for all your hard work!~
I was disappointed with the ending!! But it was still a good read!
OMG! I had almost given up on this project. Thank you so much for finishing this! WAH~~
Already read till the last chapter. ^_^
Since Yankumi finally accepted Shin in the Gokusen 2008 Special, I'm looking forward the to the 2009 Special.
Hehe, great job ^^ I'm glad you managed to finish the manga and now I shall be looking forward to the 2009 special =3= And that's something I HONESTLY can BARELY await! I saw the LQ raws dozens of times and I just can't get enough of Gokusen XD For some reason whenever I see a new chapter (especially when there's more Shin there XD) I get hooked right away. I try to resist, but I fail! LOL It's too addicting. WAY too addicting. And even if the art style isn't exactly pretty, this is the only manga that works on me that way!
What I mean to say is actually... MOAR!!! MOAR GOKUSEN! SPECIALS! *w* And I love y'all! <3
Thank you so much for finishing up the Gokusen series. I can't thank you people enough!!
Thanks for the chapters xD I was wondering if you guys will traslate the Gokusen 2009 Special, because the 2008 one was traslated.
Tnanck you so much for all your hard work!!! You are the best^^
Thanck you so much for all your hard work!!! You are the best^^
Thank you so much for this wonderful series!
OMG! Thank you so much, Bishounen and Null! I've been waiting for more a very long time for this release. I LOVE YOU GUYS!
Thank you so much! I'm so glad this was completed - but I still want more Shinkumi.
Thank you BiPuro for all your hard work!~
thank you for the manga. please can you re upload the vol 14 an 15? i can`t read :'(
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