Monday, February 4, 2008

Hiatus? What Hiatus?

Funny how things turn out.

We had every intention of taking a quick break to sort out our lives but then we found ourselves scanning volume 10 (which will now be leveled out into HQ version), editing a chapter and fixing the site a bit.

So now we have a new release this week, Chapter 5 of Volume 14, and we now have a feedburner set-up.

And, to formally answer the question uppermost in all your minds, we still plan to continue with Volume 14 doing weekly releases up to chapter 8. Then, on a very special day on the first week of March, we will switch to Volume 10.

Sounds good? We hope so!

Enjoy our surprise release!

Via Megaupload
Via Mediafire

P.S. Thanks to hezziwig of the Shinkumi LJ community for giving us permission to use her scans of the 2008 special chapter. What?! A 2008 Special Chapter?! Just click on this link which will direct you to her thread:

Mentally and emotionally prepare yourself before you click on the link. Don't say we didn't warn you.

P.P.S. Hezziwig asked us to send out a shout out. She did a scanlation of the special chapter from a 2006 fanbook. If anyone has a copy of the file, can you kindly send it to so that we could forward it to her? Thanks in advance!


Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for all of your hard work! I look forward to each chapter and I'm so happy that you and your group agreed to do the translations for us.

Anonymous said...

Thanks again for the fab release!! :D


Anonymous said...

i love you. seriuosly.

Anonymous said...


When do you plan your next hiatus, so we can expect a burst of release? :-)

Thank you veeeeeeery much for all your hard work!

Unknown said...

Thank you so very much <3

Anonymous said...

Great to know that this great manga will be continued by you guys, it is very hard to scanlate whole volumes of long series but Thanks a lot for your promise and sharing and generousity...You guys ROCK!!

Anonymous said...

thanks so much!!
thank you for hosting the scans on mediafire too !!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful!! I read the special chapter and it was worth it as well. Thanks for your hard work!

Anonymous said...

uh-oh. i totally forgot to prepare myself for those images of the special release. you guys are releasing so fast. i feel spoiled. THANK YOU!!!!

Anonymous said...

I love you for scanlating Gokusen Q_Q
I'm looking forward tothe first week of march, even if it's hard I decided not to read volume 14 before I read volume 10-13 - So I'm waiting
Thanks again <3 and again <3 and again <3

Anonymous said...

Oh guys, I love you so much! You're the best! ;_;

Anonymous said...

I love you, too. I held off on reading Gokusen until you guys picked it up. Now I'm caught up and totally hooked. What a great series.

Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot for your hard work! I am glad someone chose to scanlate this great series!

Anonymous said...



Anh said...

whoa ,can't thank you enough!

Anonymous said...

i think all the comments above mine have said it all! but nonetheless i still want to thank you for all of your hard work!! i LOVE gokusen!! thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you! THANK YOU! haha ok i'll stop before it gets too annoying! >.<

dementedchris said...

A big thank you to everyone for sticking with Bishounen Project. ^_^ I think we're as eager for volume 10 as you guys are, so we'll keep on doing our best. ^_^

Anonymous said...

awesome job, you guys!

Anonymous said...

that was an exciting chapter cant wait for th next one :D

Anonymous said...

Thank you guys very much!<3~~~~
You've made my day, srsly. :-)

Anonymous said...

you're great, thx so much for the gokusen releases. i cant wait for volume 10 to come =D

Anonymous said...

Hello, thank u for your great scanlations!!! I'm tired of waiting, even began buying the raw manga 'cause i've wanted ot read it so much. So if you need the RAWS OF VOLUME 11 i can scan those for you. Contact me here, if u r interested and keep up your great work!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the releases! I love love LOVE Gokusen! <3 Also I was wondering, are you guys planning to scanlate the specials in the future?

myrya said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
myrya said...

@our regular posters! we are very happy that you are enjoying our releases so far. you'll DEFINITELY like the next release. it's a very interesting one. :D

@sheepy-fuu: You have more EQ than I do about holding off reading the advance chapters. But don't worry, March is just around the corner.

@daiuso: THANK you sooo much for your generous offer! Meatbunn has already given us her copy and it's been debinded and ready for scanning so just keep your precious copy. Thanks again!

@tepiestar: wasn't that just a great eye-opening image?

@catzcradle: we only have permission for the 2008 specials so we'll look into scanlating that. but for now, our priority is the release of volumes 10-15. Thank you for your inquiry!

Again thank you everyone! If our releases make your day, your enthusiastic responses make ours! SOOO Happy to know there are a LOT of Gokusen fans out there. Looking forward to future interaction with you all!

Anonymous said...

OMG, you guys win at life. Thank you so much for scanning Gokusen. It's one of the few mangas that I love enough to buy - but it's not licensed which is a real bummer. I will keep watching out for your scans in March so I can pick up volume 10 where I left off. I'll save 14 for later. AGAIN, thank you for your hard work and for picking it up. I don't think you know how much it's appreciated.


Cassiel said...

^_^ Looking forward to volume 10. Thank you for your hard work.

Anonymous said...

Oh gosh, thank you so very much for your time and dedication for this project. I have a lot of seemingly discontinued series that I desperately wish for groups to continue, so to see Gokusen on its way to completion, thank you very very much!

Anonymous said...

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